When your baby is born at 37 weeks (or more), they are considered full term. But if they are born before that, they are considered premature or preemie.

What Does It Mean When Your Baby is a Preemie?

If you’ve been here before, you might know that two of my children were born premature. My oldest was born at 24 weeks gestation and my second child was born at 31 weeks gestation. They spent almost 4 months and 1 1/2 months in the NICU respectively. I was almost going to just update my previous post about parenting in the NICU when I realized that I should break this up a bit. So I’ll have another post about NICU parenting but first, let’s talk about what it means to have a preemie. “Preemie” is the common term used when referring to a premature baby. The dictionary definition of a preemie is “a prematurely born infant”. A preemie is born before 37 weeks gestation while…

3 Important Tips for Moms of NICU Babies

3 Important Tips for Moms of NICU Babies

Having a baby is an exciting prospect, filled with ups and downs until that joyful day that you get to meet your bundle of joy. For NICU moms, the premise is the same but also involves the emotional roller coaster that goes along with having a premature baby. I’ve been down that road twice which is why today I want to share my tips on motherhood for NICU moms. And if you’re in need of more resources, be sure to check out my motherhood resources and inspiration page. Why can’t I hold my preemie right away? Many moms dream of the moment that they’re able to hold their baby for the first time. This is usually right after birth or soon after depending on what…

Joyful in Hope

I mentioned in the post, Favorite Verses, that my favorite verse in the Bible is Romans 12:12; and in particular from the NIV translation: Be Joyful in Hope, Patient in Affliction, and Faithful in Prayer. I feel that, in life, this verse has been especially applicable and has gotten me through some very tough times. To me, this verse means celebrating the small things in life, to trust in God, and to never stop speaking to God. I have certainly been guilty of not fully trusting in God and of ceasing speaking to God. But, since the birth of my first child, I’ve learned to appreciate everything in life- no matter how small. I’ve wanted to make it a point to be as transparent as…