Has a case of mastitis brought your breastfeeding to a halt? Here are a few reasons why you should keep breastfeeding through mastitis.

Why You Should Keep Breastfeeding Through Mastitis

I’m an advocate for breastfeeding though I also fully respect any woman’s decision to not breastfeed. While I do stand by the mantra, breast is best, I also fully understand that the baby getting their nutritional needs met is ultimately best. That said, the first few days breastfeeding with Squeaker were not fun. I was ready to call it quits after the second day but I persisted on. And while, in toddlerhood, she’s not breastfeeding exclusively; it’s still bonding time that we enjoy. Most of the time. One of the times that I was not so thrilled was when I had an unexpected case of mastitis. Following advice from a group of breastfeeding moms, I quickly learned why you should keep breastfeeding through mastitis. Mastitis…