When to File Your Tax Return and Determining Your Filing Status in 2020

When to File Your Tax Return and Determining Your Filing Status in 2020

When I was in high school, I wish there had been a Lifeskills 101 course or at the very least, a filing taxes for dummies course. I know that I would have appreciated the information especially when it came to how to fill out my tax form, figuring out my filing status, and most importantly- when to file my tax return. Of course, I knew that I had to file before April 15th but it would have been nice to know that I wasn’t limited to just filing before the deadline. As an aspiring work at home mom, I’m also going to be looking into filing as a business but that can wait for next year. I’ll share some tips for home business taxes later…

The internet has made life eaiser, for better or for worse. That includes the daunting task of filing taxes. But just how easy is it to file taxes online?

Filing Taxes for Dummies: How to File Online

The internet makes life convenient, there’s really no way of getting around that. In a matter of minutes, you have a virtual goldmine of information on almost any topic at your fingertips. Granted, some of this information can be misleading or it may just lead to frustration. But, often times, when we’re conducting our latest search on the internet; it’s with purpose. And as the search engines have evolved, our quest for knowledge has (ideally) gotten easier. The internet has also made it easier to file taxes, which usually results in getting that coveted tax return back quicker. But how do you start, what software do you use? Is it really that easy to file your taxes online? Why you should file your taxes online…