Financial mistakes are more common than you think. Here are just a few common financial mistakes and some tips for how to avoid them.

Avoiding Common Financial Mistakes That People Make

I will be the first person to admit that sometimes when it comes to money and personal finances, I am a bit clueless. Especially in my younger years when I was just starting out and looking at all of the enticing credit card offers. However, I was also very lucky that my mom used to be a vice president at a bank and that she has a solid background in money management. If not for her, then I’m sure I would have made more than a few common financial mistakes. I’m incredibly fortunate that I do not have a large amount of debt to work off because I could have very easily fallen into that trap. But what are these common financial mistakes that people…

How to Sort Out Debt

When you’re in the initial stages of figuring out how to wipe out debt, one of the first steps that you’ll need to do is sort out debt. And while this may seem like a simple enough process, sometimes it’s difficult to figure out where to start. Today, we’re going to talk about how to begin that process and then the steps that you might want to consider taking next. Going overboard with your finances is not hard to accomplish. See also: How to take control of your personal finances Experts have said that the average American family owes $7,500 in credit card debt alone. If that were not enough, many people now owe more than their home is even worth. But alas, all is…