How to Create Blended Family Rules That Everyone Can Agree On

How to Create Blended Family Rules That Everyone Can Agree On

When a blended family comes together, it can be difficult at first. But it doesn’t have to always be that way. Here’s how to create blended family rulesthat everyone can agree on. It didn’t take long for Kyle and I to realize what we had together. And by that, I mean that it didn’t take long…

Addressing Autism and Divorce: What To Do When Your Marriage Crumbles

Addressing Autism and Divorce: What To Do When Your Marriage Crumbles

Why do people divorce when they have children with special needs? How do I divorce my spouse when we have an autistic child? How do I learn to parent an autistic child on my own? Dear friend, these were just some of the things I struggled with when I realized that my marriage was falling…