Breastfeeding Success Tips for the First Six Weeks

Breastfeeding Success Tips for the First Six Weeks

Breastfeeding is tough. Though this is not universal, for some women it can be incredibly tough. But, if it’s not meant to work out- don’t stress yourself out. Don’t beat yourself up for it, either. Because breastfeeding is tough. If you’re thinking of breastfeeding, I want to share breastfeeding success tips for the first six weeks – with thanks to Amwell for sponsoring this conversation. I’ve already shared breastfeeding success tips for the first few days because those are also incredibly important. I made the decision to breastfeed Squeaker while I was still pregnant. And I had set an initial goal of 6 months. However, the first 24 hours after she was born? I was about ready to quit. I sat in my hospital bed…

Has a case of mastitis brought your breastfeeding to a halt? Here are a few reasons why you should keep breastfeeding through mastitis.

Why You Should Keep Breastfeeding Through Mastitis

I’m an advocate for breastfeeding though I also fully respect any woman’s decision to not breastfeed. While I do stand by the mantra, breast is best, I also fully understand that the baby getting their nutritional needs met is ultimately best. That said, the first few days breastfeeding with Squeaker were not fun. I was ready to call it quits after the second day but I persisted on. And while, in toddlerhood, she’s not breastfeeding exclusively; it’s still bonding time that we enjoy. Most of the time. One of the times that I was not so thrilled was when I had an unexpected case of mastitis. Following advice from a group of breastfeeding moms, I quickly learned why you should keep breastfeeding through mastitis. Mastitis…

If you're thinking about purchasing a breast pump, be sure to check out my guide to choosing and using a breast pump.

A Breastfeeding Mom’s Guide Choosing and Using a Breast Pump

As a breastfeeding mom, there may be times that you find it necessary to use a breast pump. For example, if you’ve had a premature baby that needs to stay in the NICU for an extended period of time. Or maybe you’re going back to work and want to continue breastfeeding. Or, perhaps your husband or partner would like to be involved with feeding the baby. Whatever the case may be, if you happen to find yourself in the market for a breast pump, be sure to continue reading. I’m sharing my tips on motherhood for choosing and using a breast pump. With both Sweet B and V, a breast pump was necessary for me. V was in the NICU for three months and only…

Tips on Motherhood for Feeding Your Baby

I’ve shared a tip for breastfeeding success in the early days, but today I want to share tips on motherhood for feeding your baby – and by feeding, I mean either breastmilk or formula. We’ll get into baby food and weaning later on, as those are different topics entirely. I’ve mentioned on here before, that I do breastfeed but I’ve also done formula with my older two. Squeaker was exclusively breastfed, but that’s because I was able to do so. That being said, it was never my mission or intent to participate in the mom wars, I’m just a mom trying to share motherhood resources and inspiration. Moms-to-be will often be bombarded with advice from many well meaning folks. Sometimes this advice really is helpful,…

6 Tips for How to Succeed at Breastfeeding in the First Few Days

6 Tips for How to Succeed at Breastfeeding in the First Few Days

First, let me say this: this post is not meant to start a war about whether or not breast is best. That’s your own personal decision so I’m not trying to badger you into breastfeeding just because it worked for me. If formula works for you- go for it! I’ll have a few of these posts about breastfeeding tips so let’s start with tips on motherhood for breastfeeding success in the early days when you feel like quitting. Because believe me, those first few days can be rough. And with Squeaker, I was just about ready to quit after two days in. We ended up surpassing our initial 6 month and even 1 year goal. We made it through a bout of mastitis and well,…