Don't let being in public stop you from breastfeeding your baby. Here are 8 tips for breastfeeding in public.

8 Tips for Breastfeeding in Public and Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Do So

If you are planning to breastfeed your baby, I have another set of breastfeeding tips and advice to share with you. Even if you plan on staying at home with your baby, or if you’re just withing your maternity leave; chances are likely that you’ll have to leave the house. Now, while I do the comforts of home; I didn’t let that stop me from breastfeeding in public. Why should I have to wait when we were abiding by a breastfeed on demand schedule? If you’re a new mom who is nursing your baby you may be nervous about doing so in public. Or perhaps you are disturbed by media reports of women who are harassed for breastfeeding in public and are considering pumping your…