Back to School Transition Tips for Autistic Kids

Back to School Transition Tips for Autistic Kids

Sweet B was 3 when she started preschool and honestly? I will remember that day like it was yesterday. That day was quite possibly one of the most difficult for her and for me and if you’d like, you can read about our story here.. Prior to that, she had stayed at home with me while her team of therapists came in and out of the house. But, after meeting with the Early Intervention team, it was decided that going to a special needs preschool program would be best. Thanks to V, I was already somewhat familiar with the special education process at the early childhood level. But, because had already been in daycare, the transition to preschool was easy. Today I want to share…

7 Ways to Have a Great First Day Back

Whether it’s your very first day back or your seventh first day back, the first day back to school is filled with mixed emotions. Some kids look forward to it and some dread it. While you do get to see all of your friends again, sometimes the first day back to school can be quite intimidating. Especially when you’re the new kid at school or if you’re entering a new school for the first time. That’s why we wanted to share some tips for ways to have a great first day back – and hopefully these tips will help your child have the best first day back to school and set them up for an amazing school year.  Growing up, I attended two elementary schools,…

Back to School Sanity Savers for Moms

Back to School Sanity Savers for Moms

Back to school can be a time of joy, stress, and disappointment. For me, growing up, I looked forward to the first day of school almost as much as I regretted it. It meant the end of summer, but it also meant going back to school. I enjoyed school because I enjoyed learning. My first day was usually tearful as I was quite attached to my mom and dealt with separation anxiety until I was in sixth grade. Today, I want to share some back to school sanity savers for moms and dads. Hopefully the transition back this year doesn’t have to be quite so bad. Gearing up for back to school means supplies, school clothes, possible medical check ups and vaccinations, and decisions about…