Easing Your Child’s Back to School Nerves

Easing Your Child’s Back to School Nerves

The first day back to school, for me, was usually nerve wrecked. And up until I hit 6th grade, I was that child who was dropped off with tears. Even if I had some friends in class or had met my teacher previously. By mid-morning, I was usually okay, but my morning tears would continue through the first week of school. My mom was incredibly patient with me but she also didn’t draw out the drop off. And eventually, I was able to get to school on my own or with a group of friends. Just in case you have a child like this, I’m sharing my tips on motherhood for easing your child’s back to school nerves. School can be very scary thing for…

A Parent’s Guide to Helping an Autistic Child with Anxiety

A Parent’s Guide to Helping an Autistic Child with Anxiety

Autism A to Z is winding down and today’s post is going to follow up on something that was mentioned in the comorbidity and autism post. For the letter X, I wanted to cover helping an autistic child with anxiety. Yes, I realize that it’s not a word that starts with x , but cut me a little a slack, okay? The reason that I chose to use anxiety is because it’s one of the more prevalent co-morbid (or co-occuring) conditions with children with autism. Another reason I chose anxiety is because May is Mental Health Awareness month and I wanted to use this post to tie-in with the upcoming posts that I’ll have on anxiety and depression. While this is not something that all…

How to Recognize Common Types of Anxiety in Children

How to Recognize Common Types of Anxiety in Children

We have covered anxiety in children with autism, but today we’re going to talk about the types of anxiety in children. Stress affects children in similar ways as adults. And anxiety is no different though it may manifest differently in children. As a child, I had terrible separation anxiety- especially on the first few days of school or summer camp.  I wasn’t a shy child but I was just a child that was very much attached to my mom. Squeaker will, at times, show signs of separation anxiety but so far it isn’t too bad. But that’s just one of the types of anxiety in children. Let’s look at a few more. What does anxiety look like in children? Children’s anxiety symptoms are typical of…