The Health Hazards Of An Unmanaged Fall Garden

The Health Hazards Of An Unmanaged Fall Garden

You might think that since spring is over, things are starting to calm down in the garden and you can worry about it a little less over the coming months. Unfortunately, that’s not strictly true. Here, we’re going to look at some of the real health hazards that can arise as a result of the changing environment and how you can protect the health of both family and home from them. Picture – Pixabay License Take good care of those trees Not only will taking care to trim your trees and bushes improve the home’s exterior aesthetic, but they can reduce the risk of several kinds of damage and injury. Overgrown branches are more likely to be broken by the wind, after which they can…

Dealing With Disasters: What Should You Do If Your Home Floods?

Natural disasters like flooding can cause some serious damage to your home and, in many cases, you can’t really do much about it. Your home may also flood due to burst pipes or other plumbing issues that cause large leaks. It’s important that you know how to react in the event of a flood so you can limit the damage as much as possible and start rebuilding things afterwards. Here’s what you should do if your home is flooded.  Image Source – Pixabay CCO License Determine The Cause  If your home is hit with a natural disaster and it floods, there isn’t a huge amount that you do to stop it. However, if your home floods due to plumbing issues, it’s important that you determine…

Mind-Blowing Home Improvement Predictions To Get You Pumped

Pixabay – CC0 License Thinking about the future can be a lot of fun. Our natural inclination is to believe that it will look something like a linear extrapolation of the present. Our phones will be a little faster. Our clothes will be slightly cheaper and our kitchen gadgets a little more capable.  But when you study technology’s history, you discover that things don’t progress in a straight line. Instead, they come in fits and starts, with many innovations exploding out of nowhere.  Five years ago, for instance, the idea that you could talk to a computer in your house and get it to do things for you, like set the shower temperature or change the color of the lights, would have seemed hopelessly futuristic….

Energy Efficient Upgrades for Your Home

Energy efficiency is an important and hot topic right now. We’re all looking to do our bit for the environment and reduce our carbon footprints where possible, and the energy efficiency of our homes is a big part of that. Maybe you’ve had an energy efficiency audit and you want to improve things or you simply feel as if there’s money to be saved by making the home more energy efficient than it currently is. Either way, there are plenty of options to consider when it comes to making your home greener and more efficient from an energy usage point of view. We’re going to go over many of the different things that have the biggest impact on the efficiency of your property and why…

7 Ways To Make Your Home Safer For Your Kids

According to Safe Kids Worldwide, (a nonprofit organization whose aim is to avoid unintentional injuries), the number of kids that get hurt at home every year is estimated at around 1 million. Your home should be a safe space for your kids – the one place where they can be protected from any kind of injury or harm. Kids are indoors about 90 percent of the time, so parents should provide an environment free of health hazards. Let’s look at some ways that your home can be made safe for your kids. Drawers and doors should have stoppers Image Credit There is no guarantee that someone will always be around to protect your child from things that may be dangerous around the house. But there…

Which Rooms Should You Start With During A Full Home Renovation?

If you decide that your home has seen better days and you want to renovate the entire property, you’re probably wondering where you should start. A full home renovation is a daunting task to take on and it’s going to take a long time and cause a lot of disruption. But if you renovate the rooms in the right order, you can make the whole process a lot easier and make sure that your home is semi-functional throughout the project. If you are about to embark on a full home renovation, here’s how to decide which rooms to start with.  Pixabay CCO License Think About Which Rooms Get The Most Use  The easiest way to decide where to start is to think about which rooms…