How to Adopt a Frugal Lifestyle in 2020

How to Adopt a Frugal Lifestyle in 2020

One resolution that many make at the start of a new year, is to save money. This may translate into simply setting aside a certain amount from each paycheck or may be as complex as developing a sophisticated budgeting system. Or, it may involve a series of lifestyle changes. So how just how difficult is to be frugal? And is there a simple formula for adopting a frugal lifestyle? While some may argue that it’s complicated and that they’ve already tried; being frugal is more than just saving money. Being frugal, to me, means being resourceful and taking on a new mindset towards money. Just How Difficult is it to be Frugal? You might really want to save money and be frugal, but just can’t…

Avoiding Common Financial Mistakes That People Make

Avoiding Common Financial Mistakes That People Make

I will be the first person to admit that sometimes when it comes to money and personal finances, I am a bit clueless. Especially in my younger years when I was just starting out and looking at all of the enticing credit card offers. However, I was also very lucky that my mom used to be a vice president at a bank and that she has a solid background in money management. If not for her, then I’m sure I would have made more than a few common financial mistakes. I’m incredibly fortunate that I do not have a large amount of debt to work off because I could have very easily fallen into that trap. But what are these common financial mistakes that people…

How To Avoid A Tax Audit

How To Avoid A Tax Audit

I try to keep good financial records, especially as I prepare for the end of the year when I want to calculate my finances (earnings and expenses) for my taxes. Is it a fun process? Absolutely not. But it does pay off, at least from an organizational stand point, to keep track of everything related to the blog. If I should venture further into working at home, which I plan to next year, I’ll up my game a bit when it comes to keeping track of finances. But, even if I’m incredibly prepared (or at least as prepared as possible) a tax audit could still be a possibility. Sure, it’s never happened to me but that doesn’t mean that it couldn’t happen to me in…

6 Simple Habits of Frugal People

6 Simple Habits of Frugal People

Being frugal is a lifestyle and a mindset. But, what really defines being frugal? If you ask two different people, you’re likely to get two different answers. For most, being frugal means being mindful with your money and being resourceful with what you have on hand. For some, it may mean learning to live with less or living within a budget. You may start living a more frugal life by looking at an aspect of your life like your grocery shopping. So what else does it mean to be frugal? Let’s take a look at these simple habits of frugal people and find out. How to Be Frugal There is a lot of advice out there on how to live a frugal life. You can…

Why You Need a Budget

Budgeting is not an easy topic but one that many deal with or face. Why do we fear budgeting? For some, it’s a matter of sacrifice and learning to live with less. This prospect may scare us. For others, it may be coming to terms with our financial reality. For example, when we carry a lot of debt and we’re already living paycheck to paycheck; the thought of fully facing our personal finances is a stressful situation. However, living within a budget does not have to be a scary situation. In fact, a budget can be financially freeing once you get used to it. And I would even argue that if you’re in any sort of debt, you need a budget. Let’s talk about the…

Easy Ways to Start Using Coupons

I will start this off by saying that I am far from an extreme couponer. I just don’t have the patience to go through every coupon site, weekly ads, etc. But, I do like saving money so I’m willing to do as much work as possible to help with that cause. For example, I like digital coupons from places like Smart Source,, and Red Plum. I shop in bulk when need be because that also helps me save money and especially on things that I need like toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, and wipes. I also buy lunch items in bulk, and occasionally meat. When we finally start meal planning, I’ll buy other items in bulk to hopefully save on our food expenses. Today,…