Doctor’s Visits Are Only a Click Away

I participated in the Amwell blog program as a member of One2One Network. I received compensation but all opinions are my own. Technology has changed almost everything that we do. There are apps for just about everything now to help with nearly all aspects of life. This also includes how we go to the doctor. From apps that help up keep track of doctor’s appointments to apps like Amwell that can give us access to a doctor 24 hours a day. With Amwell, doctor’s visits are only a click away. I recently had the opportunity to try out a doctor’s visit on Amwell. After the easy download process on my Android tablet, it was only a matter of minutes before I was in the screen…

Tips on Motherhood for The First Trimester

Tips on Motherhood for The First Trimester

Pregnancy has it’s fair share of ups and downs. And, I’ll admit it, I do miss some aspects of being pregnant but there are definitely things that I could have done without. For example, the entire first trimester? After getting the confirmation from the pregnancy test and getting the first ultrasound, all of my joy and excitement faded out the window with the first waves of nausea and dizziness. Today, I want to share my tips on motherhood for surviving the first trimester of pregnancy. The first 0-12 weeks of a woman’s pregnancy is called the first trimester. It is during this period that a woman’s body experiences drastic changes during pregnancy. Discomforts and other things may or may not be experienced by a pregnant woman…

Tips on Motherhood for Pregnancy Nutrition

Did you ever deal with morning sickness? Some days, the very thought of eating was enough to make my head spin but I knew it was something I had to do for the baby’s sake. With Sweet B and Squeaker, my morning sickness didn’t last too long, but there were some days that I could have lived without it. My pregnancy cravings weren’t too bad with any of my pregnancies, or at least not in terms of craving odd foods. Still, I knew that eating right was something I had to maintain which is why I wanted to share my tips on motherhood for pregnancy nutrition.    This post contains affiliate links and while you are under no obligation to use them, by purchasing something…

6 Tips for Living Well Within a Budget

6 Tips for Living Well Within a Budget

A common myth about budgeting is that you’re making too many sacrifices and by doing so, you’re giving up a lot of luxuries and comforts. While this might be true for some things, it is still possible to live well within a budget. You can also learn to live with less if the thought of living well within a budget is just unappealing to you. Or maybe you feel that just don’t need a budget and that you can manage your money by yourself. While this very well might be true, I would still recommend considering a budget- you never know where it might take you. Living within a budget can be intimidating to say the least, you know where your money is going and…

Turn Money Mistakes Into Teachable Moments

Turn Money Mistakes Into Teachable Moments

Welcome back to another week of how to raise a money savvy kid! Last week, we talked about teaching kids how to budget and this week we’re going to talk about some equally important money lessons. Money mistakes happen to the best of us. Sometimes we may not stay within our budget or we may get a little too out of control with our credit cards. Whatever the case may be, money mistakes happen. Kids can make money mistakes too, but rather than letting the moment pass, you can turn money mistakes into teachable moments. Money mistakes happen. You think you’re going to have enough and you don’t. You spend more than you have and then have to go without. You get into debt and then…

8 Ways to Start Fixing Your Credit

Credit cards are almost unavoidable. I say almost, because they really aren’t necessary. Especially with most banks offering a Debit card that also carries a credit card logo. Personally speaking, I try to avoid having credit cards as I’m still trying to pay off one of my cards. If you’re like me, and many others, you may have run into problems with your credit cards. Today, I want to share some tips and advice on how to start fixing your credit. Because what you do today or did yesterday, will affect your financial future. Easy credit just might be the greatest seductress of the modern era. We’ve all seen the commercials, and the lure of credit card sometimes can’t be resisted. If you have fallen…