How to Make a Raised Garden Bed from Dresser Drawers

How to Make a Raised Garden Bed from Dresser Drawers

Over the past years, we went from just container gardening to using a raised bed. And the results were amazing. We did have success with the container garden and I hope that we’ll have continued success with the raised bed as well. But, since we didn’t want to purchase one, we set about to make one at home. After looking through the attic, we found an old dresser that was missing two of the drawers. The remaining, we figured, we could still salvage. Hence our raised garden bed from dresser drawers was conceived. Why we decided to go with a raised garden bed During my teenager years, we had a garden in this particular spot. But, over the years, nothing was really growing and so…

When to Start Planting a Garden at Home

When to Start Planting a Garden at Home

Location matters when it comes to starting a garden. Not just in terms of where you’ll place your garden for optimal sun and shade, but also the region and geographic location in which you live. Of course it is possible to have a garden all year round indoors in a greenhouse, but not all of us are so fortunate to have such a set up. So if you’re wanting to make the most of your location, here are some tips and advice for when to start planting a garden. When to Start Planting a Garden: Tips for Beginners Timing plays a very crucial role in planting. Any experienced gardener can attest to this. That’s why most gardeners plant during spring. Springtime is the time of…

Starting an Herb Garden

Starting an Herb Garden

With the weather starting to warm up a bit, I’m getting the itch to get going on our garden. As a child, my mom kept an herb garden indoors and she has an herb garden now. Starting an herb garden is something that I’ve always wanted to do because who wouldn’t want to cook with fresh herbs? The other appealing part of herb gardening for me was knowing that I could also grow my herbs indoors. I love using fresh ingredients when I can and the thought of being able to just tear off a piece of parsley or snip some oregano was always one I enjoyed and hope to make a reality. ent/uploads/2015/03/how-to-start-an-herb-garden-at-home.jpg” alt=”Starting an herb garden is easier than you think! Here are…

A Beginner’s Guide to Organic Gardening

A Beginner’s Guide to Organic Gardening

When it comes to planning our garden this year, aside from growing vegetables and maybe herbs; I might attempt to do a butterfly garden with Squeaker. I think it would be fun for her and a way to really get her involved with gardening. Another thing that we’re considering is whether or not we go the more organic route or stick to tried and true from last year. We are not green people though we’ve made a few eco-friendly lifestyle changes, we have not fully adopted that lifestyle. I do think that there are merits and benefits of going organic and one way that we might try to shift is through organic gardening. Take a look at this beginner’s guide to organic gardening to see where you…

How to Plan a Vegetable Garden

How to Plan a Vegetable Garden

Vegetable gardening was our choice of garden when it came to planning a garden last year. We went with a container garden last year but this year we’re going to try for a raised bed in addition to the large containers. We’ll see how it goes, of course, and I will be sure to share our progress. Last year I fell behind with documenting everything, and well.. there wasn’t too much to document by the time all was said and done. I learned a few things and hopefully I won’t repeat the same mistakes. This year will be different because I’m actually going to plan a vegetable garden this year instead of just trying to wing it. Why Plan a Vegetable Garden at Home Growing…

How To Start A Container Garden

When it comes to growing flowers, I do not have a green thumb. But, I do remember taking care of some vegetables with my mom when I was younger, so that’s why this year I thought it might be fun to start a vegetable garden. We started most of our garden from seeds, which was an adventure in itself, and after evaluating the backyard I realized I would need to do a raised bed or start a container garden. Maybe next year, we’ll try the raised bed or a shelf system for some herbs but this year we’re starting a container garden and this is how we went about it. How to Set Up a Container Garden in Limited Space One of the first things…