7 Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Content

7 Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Content

Why and How to Repurpose Your Blog Content Creating a new blog post daily can be time consuming and difficult. We are all aware that Google rewards fresh content, but did you know that refreshing your old posts can also help you? Not only can you drive new traffic to your website, but you can spend less time on new content since your old content will be performing well. You can repurpose your old blog posts to make them fresh without a lot of time or trouble. Why would you want to do this? Well, time is one. Creating a brand new blog post requires an idea, photography, an article, editing, as well as the time to share it on social media. When you rework…

How This Blogging Mom is Protecting Her Eyes

How This Blogging Mom is Protecting Her Eyes

“This sponsored post is a part of the campaign “Protecting America’s Eyes” by Reticare in order to inform U.S. citizens about the importance of eye protection from device screens. The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own.” As a blogger, I spend quite a bit of time in front of a screen. It’s almost unavoidable. And though I try to limit my time on the computer, there are times that I will go longer stretches. I like to work in batches whenever possible because it helps me to save time in the long run. Or at least that’s what I tell myself. But I also know that by spending longer periods of time in front of the computer, it’s more time that my…

How to Write a Killer List Post for Your Blog

How to Write a Killer List Post for Your Blog

In blogging, as we’re all aware, there are many types of posts. Some are certainly more effective than others when it comes to getting a point across or sharing a fabulous recipe. Some posts may require more pictures and some posts may be more word heavy. Then there are the heart tugging posts or the emotionally laden posts that touch us to the very core. Or rile up our anger and desk chair protester. Writing is at the heart of blogging, there’s really no way of getting around that. In order to do what we do as bloggers, we must write. What we write about depends on our niche and our interests, of course. And that may even affect how we write. One of the…

Practical Ways to Grow Your Blog with Google Analytics

Practical Ways to Grow Your Blog with Google Analytics

Sometimes blogging feels like a roller coaster. Some days it may make you feel like a dog chasing it’s own tail. Blogging can be so incredibly rewarding in ways that don’t show up in numbers. But there’s also something substantial, something tangible, something to go by when we have the numbers in front of us. For me, numbers and stats are just one measurement of my success as a blogger. Google analytics is the industry standard as far as measuring stats. But there’s so much more that you can use it for than just figuring out your stats. It really does beyond that if you take the time to just poke around and explore. Really, Google analytics can help you devise a long-term blogging strategy….

Tips and Tricks for Content Creation

Tips and Tricks for Content Creation

As the old saying goes, content is king. And even in the ever changing world of blogging, this couldn’t be more true. Regardless of any changes that Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter may make; content will still be the one ring to rule them all. Yes, how you promote your content may change or the methods that you use my be different from blogger to blogger. And what works for one blogger may not work for another blogger. But what is consistent and the one common thread that we all have is content. As bloggers we are the primary content creators, and often times we wear many additional hats when it comes to the business of blogging. Content creation is just one of the things that…

Why Bloggers Need Bloggers

With these baby steps to blogging posts being so sporadic, I want to try setting up a more predictable schedule for when they’ll get posted. I do plan on going back to the How to Make Money Blogging mini-series, but for right now; I want to touch on something that I feel is equally important. Actually, if I’m going to be honest, I think that this is even more important than monetizing. It’s about bloggers supporting bloggers because I fully believe that bloggers need bloggers. As a blogger, I think community and networking are a huge part of what I do. I belong to various blog support groups on Facebook and to numerous blog networks. But why? Could I succeed on my own? Possibly, but…