Natural Ways to Treat Migraines

Have you ever had a migraine? For me they can be pretty disabling if I don’t catch them quickly. As soon as I start seeing auras around everything, I know that I need to do something and quickly or my migraine will escalate to the point where I’ll have difficulty doing anything to treat it. Because of our lifestyle changes, I’ve started looking into more natural treatments and home remedies. Some I was already aware of, and others I’ll start incorporating. One of those things that I’ve looked into are natural ways to treat migraines. Headaches are comprised of two major categories, primary and secondary. Headaches belonging to the primary group are not caused by underlying medical conditions while secondary headaches are the result of…

Key Fitness Tips for Women

Key Fitness Tips for Women

Fitness for women is different than fitness for men. Hence why I talk about health and wellness for moms and not so much for dads. A lot of that has to do with genetics, body structure, etc. but there is a definite difference. That’s not to say that there aren’t universal fitness tips out there, but as women, we do need to be mindful. Likewise, what works for one woman isn’t always going to work for every woman. Me, for example, I’m not the most coordinated person out there and I’m not a huge fan of running. I do, however, enjoy Pilates, swimming, walking, hiking, and a few other things. My mom loves bike riding while I’m lucky if I can stay on the bike…

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Whether it’s through an article we’ve read, advice from a doctor, or from family members; we know that we should stay hydrated. This is particularly important during the summer months. But is staying hydrated really that necessary? Well, yes- actually it is. The human body can go longer without food than it can without water. That right there tells me that staying hydrated is important. And today, we’re going to talk about the importance of staying hydrated and why it really does matter. I’ve never been one to always take my own advice. Even when it came to important things like getting enough water every day or at least making sure that I was monitoring my fluid intake. I’ve gotten better with this habit as…

9 Easy Ways to Start Cooking Healthier

One of the ways that we can start living a healthier lifestyle is by evaluating what we eat on a daily basis. You can do this easily by keeping a food journal. Also factoring into evaluating what we eat is by cooking at home. This can not only save you money but you can also eat healthier. But if you’re not sure as to where to start, here are 9 easy ways to start cooking healthierat home. Kyle and I try to cook from scratch whenever possible and at the very least, we always try to cook at home. For one, it saves us from ordering take-out and more importantly, we know exactly what’s going into our food. Cooking is something that we very much…

Making Sense of Thyroid Disease

Making Sense of Thyroid Disease

I was diagnosed with a hyperthyroid when I was in my mid-20s. It was never enough to be on medication but enough that I had to go to the endocrinologist every six months for blood work. Before that, I just thought I had a high metabolism. But then I started getting heart palpitations, I was always hungry, my sleep patterns were off… something just wasn’t right. I knew there was something wrong but I couldn’t put a finger on it. That’s why today’s post is about making sense of thyroid disease and understanding what it is. First, let’s talk about the thyroid. It’s located in your throat and is part of the endocrine system. The thyroid produces T3 and T4 hormones that regulate your metabolic…

Why Sleep Is Important for Your Overall Health

Why Sleep Is Important for Your Overall Health

We’ve always heard about the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, but do we have any idea as to why sleep is important? Sure, in the past, I’ve pulled an all nighter… at one point, I had a stretch where I didn’t sleep for 72 hours straight- and that was before having kids. But why is sleep so important for our over all health? Does getting a good night’s sleep really make that much of a difference? In short, yes- it makes a huge difference. According to medical experts, adults require between seven and a half and nine hours of sleep per night. Children and teenagers, on the other hand, require a lot more sleep than adults do. In fact, newborns and babies age…